Rule 11: Advertising A WebSite
You must not advertise or give out links/IP's to websites or servers no matter where you are in the server. You will receive a 5 day ban and a 24 hour mute for doing so.
If you have seen a player advertising or giving out website or server names in game then report them using the in game 'Report Abuse' system. We have this rule simply because links/IP's to sites/server can sometimes be dangerous to players (by leading you to sites with inappropriate content) or your computer (by downloading a virus when you go to the site). Going to another server can is also dangerous because they can steal your password. This precaution has been taken in order that no links/IP's to any sites/servers may be advertised in game or in the Forums, thereby protecting you and your computer. Hopefully you can help us by reporting all players who break this rule.